Meaning vestibulospinal tract
What does vestibulospinal tract mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word vestibulospinal tract. You can also add a definition of vestibulospinal tract yourself


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vestibulospinal tract

a fiber tract which brings information about the body's position in space to the antigravity muscles; the fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum sends messages to the vestibular nuclei in the lower pons and midbrain, from here the information is sent to lower motor neurons in the brain stem and spinal cord, runs from the vestibular nuclei located [..]
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vestibulospinal tract

a trace which transmits impulses to the spinal cord from the vestibular nuclei. It is separated into medial and lateral departments and operations to manage equilibrium and position in space.


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vestibulospinal tract

Bundle of nerve fibers that connect the vestibular nuclei of the medulla with the nuclei of the spinal cord.

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